Jun 6, 2009

Buildable (hope so) playhouse

Hi everybody

If you are reading this, you are one of the rare visitors of this site. I say to you, that if you like architecture and design, read the older posts too, because they are full of cool buildings created in Google Sketchup.

But back to the business...

This is an playhouse, that I think can be built. This playhouse is more like a one that boys would like to have in their near forest, and shoot people with a slingshot from there.
It has a foundation made of pallets, that you can get from any building site etc. If you build this, let me know, because I want to know does it work. Thank you.

Here are steps.

First put some pallets on ground to make a foundation to your house. 6 is a good amount. Place them like in the picture.

Next put a rectangle of plywood over the pallets, and fasten it with nails etc.

Make pillars of wood over the plywood as shown in the picture, and fasten them in the plywood. You see the structure better if you download the model from 3D Warehouse.

Add windows to both sides of the house. In the picture there is only one window, but it comes like that also on the other side.

After that add pieces of plywood or chipboard inside the hose and nail it on the struckture pillars. Remember to saw a hole to the windows!

This bit is the most time taking. You have to nail a nice exterior boarding made of planks. The measurements you can measure from the 3D model.

If you want, you can make a door in the house like that. The door can be any kind, but i made here a boarding door witch camouflages to the other boarding.

Also, you can make a neater flooring on the house if you dont want that plywood wloor. This is my suggestion, a stone floor, but it might be tricky and too expensive to make in this little playhouse.

The last thing to do is to put a roof made of plywood to your playhouse, and its ready! Hope these plans work. If someone tries to make this, please send a comment.

Sketchup rendering of the ready playhouse:

Link to download the model from 3D Warehouse: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=34e23c47fb42790e95e8a5faf311c2